• We Provide The Highest Quality Energy Healing and Animal Communication Services!

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    • Animal communication is a telepathic, two way conversation between the practitioner and your animal companion.  We have several appointment lengths to choose from and will send a transcript of the session via email, we also offer an additional service to discuss via a Zoom voice call!  

    • Our energy healings are multi-modality, and follow Lynn McKenzie's Animal Energy® system for both animal companions and humans.  It is similar in concept to Reiki and is done via distance.  We also offer blocked emotion release healings, sound balancing healings, energy balancing by numeric frequency sessions and distance Reiki sessions.  We have various lengths of sessions available , and can correspond during the session via messenger or other type of instant messaging as the session may require.  We also offer an additional service to discuss the session findings via a Zoom voice call

    • We are so excited to bring you all our Basic Soul Realignment® sessions as one of our services. Through this very unique and effective healing modality that uses the Akashic records as an initrinsic tool, we can understand who we are at soul level and how to heal negative karma affecting our lives in a very grounded and action oriented fashion.  We will soon be offering Level 2 and Level 3 sessions, alongside a wonderful Soul Realignment® for Business and Financial Abundance, and Manifesting with your Divine Soul Blueprint sessions.  Stay tuned for these exciting Developments!

    • Your Furry Kids Will Love Us As Much As We Love Them

      We love animals!

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    • About Us

      Sisters and Animal Lovers

      Solomon's Soul Services consists of Xenia & Sabrina, sisters, animal lovers, healers and animal intuitives. We have worked very hard to develop our innate skills with healing and animal communication. We both are Level 1 and Level 2 Certified Practitioners in Lynn McKenzie's Animal Energy® system. We are also Usui Reiki L1 and L2 certified practitioners. We both are very gifted energy healers, and have been quite successful in aiding our clients, friends and family with our healing and communication skills.
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