• About Us

  • Sabrina & Xenia

    Expert Energy Healers and Animal Communicators, with many years of experience.  Solomon's Soul Services consists of Sabrina & Xenia, sisters, best friends, animal lovers, healers and animal intuitives. We have worked very hard to develop our innate skills with healing and animal communication. We are both Level 1 and Level 2 Certified in Lynn McKenzie's AECT system, as well as Level 1 and Level 2 Certified Usui Reiki Practitioners. We have learned many different energy healing modalities and become proficient at them in order to bring total healing and balance to body, mind and spirit.

    We both are very gifted healers, and have been quite successful in aiding our clients, friends and family with our healing and communication skills. Moreover, Sabrina has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Xenia has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology.

    Whooooooooo is Solomon? Solomon is a local barred owl who lives here on Whidbey, and likes to visit our old growth Pine tree in our front yard. He has become part of our healing team and is happy to lend his strength to us and our animal companions. He has been a driving force with animal communication and healing for us.

    We are proudly owned by our six supurrvisor cats Pandora, Persephone, Sapphire, Lady Sylvie (recently transitioned), Kali and Spooky. We love them with all our hearts!

    We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest on magical Whidbey Island. Our home is also home to many wild animals such as owls, deer, a gray fox, coyotes, rabbits as well as some feral cats.


  • It's our mission to give humans and animal companions a better quality of life

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  • Have you ever wondered what your beloved animal companion is thinking?

    Animal Communication Sessions can provide you with exactly the answers you need!

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